Editorial: Water By Isabel Pinto & Christina Kapongo

Editorial: Water By Isabel Pinto & Christina Kapongo

A beautiful story highlighting the importance of water as we face a Global Water Crisis. 

Facts: Over 1 billion people do not have access to safe drinking water & over 3 billion people have no access to sanitation – Alexandra Cousteau a National Geographic Emerging Explorer.

Scroll down to read our Q & A with Christina Kapongo and to view an interesting video on the Global Water Crisis.

Editorial: Water By Isabel Pinto & Christina Kapongo

Editorial: Water By Isabel Pinto & Christina Kapongo

Editorial: Water By Isabel Pinto & Christina Kapongo

Editorial: Water By Isabel Pinto & Christina Kapongo

Editorial: Water By Isabel Pinto & Christina Kapongo

Editorial: Water By Isabel Pinto & Christina Kapongo

Editorial: Water By Isabel Pinto & Christina Kapongo

Editorial: Water By Isabel Pinto & Christina Kapongo

Editorial: Water By Isabel Pinto & Christina Kapongo

Editorial: Water By Isabel Pinto & Christina Kapongo

Editorial: Water By Isabel Pinto & Christina Kapongo

Q & A with Art Director & Stylist Christina Kapongo:

JS: Can I ask, what inspired the story? 

CK: African children

JS: Did Isabel & you research the issue?

CK: Isabel is African-Portuguese and my origins are African and Spanish, so it was very easy to tell this story, it is a daily situation that in many countries children have to search and walk for a long time to find the water they drink.

However, they are children and they also play with water, they create their own games with what they have around them.

JS: Have you worked with Isabel before?

CK: No, it’s been the first time and I hope it’s not the last one!!

JS: What led you to work with Isabel on this project?

CK: Isabel contacted me and my instinct led me to want to work with her on this theme which is dear to my heart.

JS: Are there moments to take away from the photo shoot, ie, funny memories of the session?

CK: One of the very funny moments is the group photo (the main image) of the children all dressed up and with the props, they seemed to be beings from another planet, and we all just laughed!!

JS: How long have you been a stylist and art director? 

CK: I’ve been a stylist for 25 years and I’ve always done art direction, it’s very linked to styling.

When I decided to leave fashion as a model, a personal situation led me to the style, the idea of living fashion since the creation seemed much more interesting to me. Creativity is part of my life.

Thank you very much, it is a pleasure to be able to collaborate with you. I think that fashion is a very important vehicle where we can express much more than selling clothes. I think this is the beginning of a long story to tell.


 View the National Geographic Video on ‘Why Care about Water’ below.


Water Creative Team Credits:

Concept & Photographer: Isabel Pinto.  View more of Isabel Pinto’s work HERE.

Art Direction & Stylist: Christina Kapongo for kapOandCo

Models: Addis @ Sugar Kids, Fluvia, Dylan, Denzel, Claugenia, Midley




View Lait another editorial on Junior Style by Christina Kapongo & Eva Bozzo.






Water Photography by Isabel Pinto – All rights reserved.

All posts copyright Junior Style Sales Ltd.

Please do not reproduce without permission.

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