Q & A with Eliza Logan:
Tell us a little bit about this shoot.
“My I” is a story about the depth of your mind. I wanted us to look past the designer clothes and material things we surround ourselves with and look really deeply into the eyes of the kids. That’s where we find the “I”, their true self. It’s not in the brand names, it’s not in the way you look- the cosmos of your mind is hidden inside your eyes.
We used mostly vintage designer brands with visible logos to show how we cover ourselves in goods, in order to create a persona we want to portray. But that’s not your identity, hence the covered faces. Don’t focus on the outside, look past it and straight into the eyes.
The super macro shots of eyes were created to show what you usually miss when you’re looking at a person. It is a moment of contemplation, of really looking into the depths of each models’ mind. The faces are covered with Pantone swatches taken from the eye. These are your true colours. This is a symbolic map of your “I”.
How did you come up with this concept?
In modelling, we see so many beautiful kids, but I’m always interested in their mind more than the looks. Their personalities, what they say, what they think, the drawings they make. This to me makes them beautiful and unique.
I wanted to honour the models and focus truly on them- not on their clothes. They are so often objectified and just asked to pose and smile. I always love to photograph kids as they see themselves in the mirror. I love their deep, true mind and imagination. With this series, I focused on the person within.
How were the pieces chosen for this story?
The images I used for this series portray kids entangled into the material world, struggling, clothes are too big, everything is falling apart. The only thing that is put together is their eye and the colour map. That’s what I wanted to show.
What do you want your work to say about you?
It’s really strange how I disconnect from my work once it’s completed. I am so immersed in the process of creating the images that I have to cut myself off and let them live their own life once
I’m done. That’s why I don’t think I want my work to speak about me. It’s always about the kids and art merging into beautiful artwork. It’s all about the process. I always strive to grow and disconnecting from my work allows me to keep on moving forward.
This issue is all about dreams. What do you dream of?
However cliché it sounds- I dream of a safer world. I want my daughter to be able to travel anywhere she wants without being afraid or in danger. We went to Paris last summer and it was so sad to see soldiers with machine guns everywhere. The Eiffel Tower area looked like a busy airport with metal detecting gates and lines for hours. I remember 20 years ago I was just able to peacefully walk under the tower in full sunshine, loving life.
This is the kind of peaceful world I want all kids to know. But my goodness hasn’t the world just gone mad over the past decade??? I do dream of it changing over the next one!
My I Crew Credits:
Photography & Art Direction: Eliza Logan. Click here to see more of her work.
Styling: Melinda Van Atta & Eliza Logan
Models: Halston, Zoey, Gia, Olivia & Taylor
To view more Eliza’s work click here. To view Hooligan’s Magazine editorials on Junior Style, click here.
View SCHWARZWALD By Mikolai Berg another editorial from Issue 19 of Hooligans Magazine. To purchase, a copy of Hooligans Magazine Issue 19, click here.
Photography Eliza Logan – All rights reserved.
Post Copy via Hooligans Magazine.
Please do not reproduce without permission.