Thirteen-year-old Model and Actress Adrianna loves designing clothes and would like to study fashion when she is older. Adrianna likes modelling and is inspired by Victoria’s Secret models as they are so elegant and beautiful.
Scroll down to view Adiranna’s Monday Model Feature……
Name: Adrianna Aloni
Age: 13 years old
Agency: Not represented
Instagram: @itsadriannnna
Location: Long Island NY
Model/Film/TV work: NYFW, Blue Bloods, Orange is the New Black, ESPN, Truth Campaign, Law & Order, Daredevil
Talents: Fashion Designer
Hobbies: Cheerleading
Languages: English
Favourite subject at school: Italian
Who inspires You? My mom
One interesting fact about you: I love racing cars and riding motorcycles
Favourite shoot/work to date: Time Square Fashion Week
Dream Job: Designer & Model
To keep up to date with Adrianna follow her on Instagram HERE.
WANT TO FEATURE AS OUR MONDAY MODEL or One To Watch? If you would like to feature as our Monday Model or One to Watch, please contact and send an up-to-date headshot and the model’s Instagram details. If your child is accepted we will then send you details on the Monday Model Feature/One To Watch feature package and costs.
One To Watch Feature Credits:
Model: Adrianna Aloni. Follow Adrianna on Instagram here.
Photography & Direction: @olesjamueller_verified
View our Monday Model & One To Watch features HERE.
Adrianna’s Monday Model Feature images are by Olejsa Mueller – All rights reserved.
All posts copyright Junior Style Sales Ltd.
Please do not reproduce without permission.