FALL IN LOVE fashion editorial.

Stella McCartney kids Simonetta kids fashion

FALL IN LOVE. In love with autumn? Colors become warmer , soft wrap-around sweaters reappear, coats in floral and geometric patterns, glitter and sequins. All in the name of color and pure joy. Accessories blend with the outfits and … Are you all ready to choose your favorite look? 

Stella McCartney kids Simonetta ETRO kids fashion
Left:Wool cardigan and pants Missoni Kids @missoni Socks @collégien_officiel Boots Legero @legeroshoes Socks @ COLLEGIEN_OFFICIEL
silvia coluccelli
From left Jacquet and dress StellaMc Cartney Kids @ stellamccartney Boots Gioseppo Kids gioseppo_kids Sweater and skirt To be Too @tobetooofficial boots Morelli socks Collegien Pink jacquet and Skirt Don Dou@doudoukidsofficial bandana Primark @primark Boots Geox @geox Sparkling bomber, t -shirt and skirt Simonetta @simonetta_official Socks Collégien Boots NeroGiardini
kids fashion editorial
Sparkling bomber KhrisJoy @khrisjoy Dress Caffe d’orzo @caffe_d_orzo Socks Collégien Boots NeroGiardini @ nerogiardinikids
Stella McCartney Kids
Jacquet , dress and bag StellaMc Cartney Kids @ stellamccartney Boots Gioseppo Kids@ gioseppo_kids
junior style editorial
Jacquet , shirt an pants Pucci Junior @emiliopucci Shoes Morelli@ morelli_shoes Hat Balmain Kids @balmain

junior style

Ecologic fur Caffe D’orzo Sweatshirt and Jeans IDO @idokidswear Boots Pucci
children's fashion
Coat Etro Kids @etro Vest, shirt and skirt Manila Grace @manilagraceofficial Socks Collégien Boots NeroGiardini

kids fashion editorial

kids fashion editorial

Photographer Silvia Coluccelli @silviacoluccelli

Stylist Ornella Rota @orni_rota

Videomaker @angelycan

Hair @lauravalsecchi6565

Makeup @nicolesorti_makeup

Photographer assistant and digital @massimofusardi

Stylist assistant @gaiainglese e lat.ale

Model@behappy_agency @kristine_ava

Thanks to Capture Image Studio Milan

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