Gardner and the Gang Exclusive

blog gardnergang grey dressprintWe are lucky to be able to offer you the opportuinity to take a look at the AW14 Gardner and the Gang collection.

This starts of a series of weekly posts where Junior Style will give you a sneak peak in to the new AW14 collections of some of your favourite brands and new up coming designers.

Junior Style are huge fans of Gardner and the Gang and I just love the way that each New collection has a theme and the characters/illustrations have names.

The New Autumn/Winter 14 collection delivers all that the previous collections have and more.  The new collection is called the ‘Hippies’ and the designer Kristin has now extended the size range to 8 years, something I am really happy about as now my little one can also enjoy the new collection!

You can take a look HERE for an exclusive sneak peek……… ENJOY!

For those of you that have not come accross Gardner and the Gang as yet, Gardner and the Gang is an independent children’s clothing line by Swedish graphic  designer Kristin Nystrom.   The bright colours and bold prints from Gardner and the Gang are playful and qwirky.   Clothing any mini fashionista would want to wear.

The Hippies Collection for AW14

Classic gardnergang sweatshirts

Unisex Leggings.

blog gardnergang trouses image

Cute Baby bodysuits.

blog gardnergang bodysuits image

My Favourite item is the Hilda the Hippo Raincoat.

blog gardnergang hippo coat image

Ritchie the Racoon Dress.

blog gardnergang grey dressprint

So the question is ‘Do you want to be part of the Gang?’
Junior Style were very priveledged to have Kristin on Chit Chat Tuesday recently and you can read Kristin’s interview with Kate Hill from Circus London Pr HERE.

Currently Garnder and the Gang have a Summer Sale on and you can still purchase fab items from their Punk Collection for SS14 HERE.  Hurry though as i have a feeling the stock will be sold out soon!

You can also connect with Gardner and the Gang here….

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